I'm so proud! The UC Irvine Video Game Developers Club was featured in a front page article in the OC Weekly today. It's been 10 weeks since I passed the torch to the new president, and it's wonderful to see the club getting this kind of exposure.
For those who don't know, UC Irvine in Orange County, CA is starting a Game Science major under their Computer Science Department. It's NOT like the typical game design degree that you get at trade schools like The Art's Institute, DeVry, or Westwood. It's actually geared toward the academic and lower level CS curriculum involved in the video game industry, like artificial intelligence, graphics processing, software design, discrete algebra, etc. The VGDC has been working with them to help design and promote the major, since our club is primarily focused on MAKING games, not playing them.
We've had a great time over the past year and a half, with QA presentations from dozens of industry speakers (including John Baez from The Behemoth), tours of Blizzard and Obsidian Studios, active involvement in the local IGDA chapter, and two game design competitions.
If any of you guys go to UCI, or are planning to go to UCI, look us up!
You the one with the fro?
Nah, that's one of our club members.